Export trainings from Endomondo as GPX files

I’ve been using Endomondo for years to track my trainings. However, I’ve been experiencing a lot of issues with Endomondo over the last months: Sometimes it’s not possible to log in. Other times, my trainings won’t get synced. So it’s time a new app. I’ve decided to give Strava a try. With a few lines of code, I’ve managed to export all my training data as GPX files. These can be imported to Strava, so my training history won’t get lost....

June 1, 2020 · 2 min · 341 words · Heiner

Determining a location’s federal state using Google Maps API

If you have to find out which federal state a city belongs to, you can use the Google Maps API v3. Here is a straightforward JavaScript code snippet: function log(s) { $('#sysout').append(document.createTextNode(s + 'n')); } function getResult(results) { for (var i=0; i -1) { return result['address_components'][j]['short_name']; } } return ''; } function getCountry(result) { return extractFirst(result, 'country'); } function getFederalState(result) { return extractFirst(result, 'administrative_area_level_1'); } function searchLocation() { $('#sysout').empty(); var location = $('#location')....

August 10, 2012 · 1 min · 162 words · Heiner